Tag: PhpStorm

12 Settings to Simplify Work In PhpStorm in 2024

Change some default settings in PhpStorm to make your work faster:
– Hide browser icons.
– Open search results each time in a new tab.
– Turn on Mark modified (*)
– Increase the tab limit.
– Turn off Code Analysis on commits to Git.
– Turn off Restoring Context on Switching Git Branches, etc.

How to Add Xdebug to the Official Docker WordPress Image

Use a Dockerfile to add XDebug to the official Docker WordPress image:
– Build your own WordPress image with XDebug enabled.
See examples of Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.
– Do not want to build? Download a pre-made image from a repository on Docker Hub.
– See how to configure PhpStorm for debugging.
– Learn how to separate production and development environments using multiple Docker Compose files.
– See how to use Nginx in a Docker container as a Reverse Proxy.
– See how to add PHP extensions to the Docker WordPress Image.